
i greet you in the love and the light of theinfinite creator. science fiction and secret space programs,the military space station, ronald reagan's, sdi, solar warden, halo, star trek, babylon5, mass effect, starship troopers, and more. by,(stillness in the storm editor). severalwhistleblowers have testified that the military industrial complex and other clandestine organizationshave advanced space programs under the cover of secrecy. these programs have apparentlysurpassed technology currently viewed by mainstream society as the peak of human advancement.but what seems to be clear is that in the realms of media, and especially in sciencefiction, a disclosure of these programs occurs arguably more than anywhere else.
in addition, declassified military projectsor plans that have gone public conclusively demonstrate that the powers behind these organizationsare applying standard military models of defense and conquest to space. this rationale is described in the below article,which helps one comprehend the motivation and mentality that leads to the developmentof massive space fleets and stations allegedly occurring in secret by the military industrialcomplex. as one example, consider the almaz sovietprogram during the 1970's, which deployed modest weaponized space stations in orbit,and even developed a laser cannon for defense. this program was partially in response toan american effort known as the mol program,
which was a surveillance based developmentof the 1960's. these programs were short lived, but stands as an example of the fact thatmilitaries have long desired to weaponize space, and when they could not do so overtly,programs were canceled and went black or became classified. the nro is such one organization that apparentlyuses low-earth orbit space stations for surveillance, according to insider testimony. in order to comprehend the magnitude of softdisclosure taking place in works of fiction, one must review the insider testimony at hand.there are many persons of interest to choose from, but for ease of comprehension, we willfocus on two of the most recent and seemingly
all-encompassing sources, corey goode andwilliam tompkins. their testimony is far too extensive to listhere, but as a synopsis consider the following excerpt from the summary and analysis seriesof cosmic disclosure hosted on this site. overview of corey goode, the secret spaceprogram alliance, and the sphere being alliance: corey goode is a secret space program (ssp)insider and whistleblower that began disclosing information in 2009 under the pseudonym goodetxsg.in 2014, he started revealing a great deal more information in an effort to prepare humanityfor what he calls data dumps, set to occur at an opportune moment in the future. muchof the information he provides comes from smart glass pads, ipad-like devices suppliedto ssp personnel for information dissemination
purposes. this will be a groundbreaking event,revealing the totality of earth's history and the activities of the cabal which willultimately lead to a truth and reconciliation style tribunal to hold criminal elements accountablefor wrongdoing. additionally, the ssp alliance intends on releasing all of the hidden technologyto the people in preparation for a star trek-type golden age civilization. according to goode, the cabal or the secretearth government and their syndicates (as termed by the ssp alliance) have enslavedhumanity under a false paradigm of a technological advancement, while secretly developing incredibletechnology (a star trek level of advancement) used to colonize the solar system and beyond,engaging in trade with thousands of extraterrestrial
races. space programs have been developed in secretall throughout earth's history, and in many cases, groups broke away from the main cultureforming what is called a breakaway civilization. some of these civilizations have existed insecret, on earth and beyond for, thousands of years. the agartha network is one suchgroup that claims to be the original human race. it was this group in addition to thedraco alliance, that made contact with a secret german space program in the early 20th century. in modern times, the germans were the mostadvanced of the ssp groups, beginning their efforts in earnest during the early 1920'sand 30's. the americans were also developing
a ssp, but were much further behind in technologicaladvances. later, the american ssps were infiltrated and taken over by the germans after the endof world war ii. it was after this forced merger that the ssp, under the direction ofthe interplanetary corporate conglomerate (icc), expanded into the solar system andbeyond, setting up dozens of bases and mining facilities chiefly using slave labor. in the early 1990's, a faction within thessp known as solar warden slowly began to go against the icc, allying with a group ofhighly evolved extraterrestrials known as the sphere being alliance in 2012. since then,more factions have joined the alliance which is actively working to free humanity on earthand beyond, known as the ssp alliance. despite
their good intentions, the ssp alliance isa group of highly damaged and morally ambiguous individuals, according to goode, that recognizeat some level the need to change the status quo, but are hardly angels. the sphere beings are a group of five extraterrestrialraces, one of which is known as the blue avians, that arrived in the solar system during thelate 1980's. two of the races remain unrevealed; however, there is also a race of golden trianglehead beings and blue orb beings made of light. over the course of 20 years, they began bringingmassive spheres into the solar system and surrounding area, some which are the sizeof jupiter. this is in an effort to down-step galactic energy waves, which are slowly changinglife as we know it. these spheres are cloaked
and not detectable by the surface populationof earth. according to the sphere beings, a massiveshift in energetic expression is now occurring in the solar system, as the result of a naturalprocess of consciousness evolution, assisted by our solar system's movement through thegalaxy and increasingly coherent energy fields encountered as a result. the sphere beingalliance specifically asked for goode to represent them in ssp alliance meetings as a spherebeing alliance delegate. presently, the ssp alliance is negotiating with the remainingcabal aligned programs, as well as innumerable races that have lived in the solar systemfor millions of years, and even breakaway civilizations once resident on the earth'ssurface. the sphere beings have erected an
energy barrier around the solar system preventingingress and egress, trapping many of the negatively oriented groups that have been loosely alliedwith the secret earth government syndicates for thousands of years. since this event,the pyramid of power known on earth known as the cabal or illuminati has fallen intodisarray, because the draco alliance attempted to betray their underlings to the sphere beingsin an attempt to gain passage out of the solar system and escape the coming justice of thessp alliance. ssp factions encountered many intriguing thingsas they ventured out into the solar system. apparently there are remnants of extremelyold settlements and technology from what is called the ancient builder race. these beingswere incredibly advanced, using a type of
consciousness technology that appears to bean inanimate object until activated by a user. they are also responsible for building ancientstargates found on nearly every major body in the solar system. according to the agarthans,the sphere beings are in fact the ancient builder race, although the ssp has yet toconfirm this directly from them. the dark side of the moon is home to manydifferent groups, including the icc, the draco alliance, the ssp alliance, the dark fleet,and more. the moon is apparently an artificial object, and has become a neutral zone forall of these groups, which have maintained a peaceful armistice for thousands of years.the moon serves as an observational outpost for over 60 groups of extraterrestrial racesengaged in 22 genetic programs and social
experiments on earth. some of these programsconflict with each other, yet all of them have influenced earth's history for millennia. william tompkins is another insider who spentdecades in the secret space program, helping to brief high-level military assets and theirchildren. he recently released the book, selected by extraterrestrials, which prominent researcherdr. michael salla has been featuring on his site exopolitic.org. again, tompkins testimonyis vast, but it generally agrees with the narrative summarized above as provided bygoode. once one fully comprehends the narrative beingput forth by insiders, a new perspective on science fiction begins to emerge.
the following is a discussion and analysisof military protocols, infrastructural makeup, strategic objectives and rationale, and howthis is echoed within works of fiction, as it relates to the topic of space stations.it should become clear that elements of insider testimony strongly correlate with what ispresented below. the same justifications and reasons for producingspace stations or massive spacecraft capable of acting as battle stations are exemplifiedwithin works of science fiction. consider the following episode of cosmic disclosurewherein the dark fleet is described, a malevolent and imperialistic organization working withthe draco to conquer other worlds. given that an innumerable amount of predictiveprogramming or soft disclosure already exists
within works of fiction, most notably in relationto the september 11th, 2001 wtc attacks, it stands to reason that an enormous amount ofdisclosure is also taking place in the media under the guise of fiction. wars are often waged far from home, makinglogistics an important element in warfighting. this supply-train will be extended from milesto lightyears with the advent of war in other solar systems. back on terra, military organizations,especially navies, have constructed bases around the globe to allow for shorter, moreeffective logistics and power projection. in space, the need will be the same, and oneanswer provided by fiction and reality is the space station. in this blogpost, fws willexamine the military space station in sci-fi,
as well as in reality and in history. what a space station means to space traveland the starflung military. right now, there are two space stations orbitingour blue marble, the iss and the chinese tiangong 1. these stations are places of testing theeffects of micro-gravity on the human body and other terrestrial lifeforms, being labsin space, and platform for testing equipment in the rigors of space. while the iss is aplace of the global community cooperating on forwarding science, it is a safe port forhumans in space. one of the original ideas for the space station by wernher von braunwas to be a launching pad for a manned mission to luna and mars. having a space station wouldallow easier access to the solar system, and
less taxing launching for deep space missions.if and when we go to mars, it has been proposed that a space station be constructed there,to extend the safe ports of humanity, allowing for deeper reach. one after another, a stringof space stations will connect earth to the outer reaches of the sol system and beyond.space stations can also be a common meeting place, a waystation, like babylon 5, for moreempty sectors of space. another element of the importance of space stations is that theyare a way of bring our atmospheric conditions to the cosmos. consider that we have yet tofind a terran atmospheric standard world out there, and space stations could be the onlyway to bring humanity to the stars until we locate and conquer an earth-like world. whatabout the importance of space stations for
the future spacefaring military? like navalports and international military bases, the military space station will be to extend therange of their military units, easier mobilization, colonial defense, and projecting power/ownershipof outer space real estate. we could see space stations be divided, with one portion beingcivilian and another being military. the battle station vs. the military spacestation. terminology can be so much fun, especially in the genre of science fiction! one termthat parallels the military space station is the "battle station" or "mobile assaultplatform". while classically, the space station is a stationary object in the black (hencethe name), the battle station is a mobile military space station that is designed tobe easily transported from hotspot to hotspot
and is armed for combat and defensive operations.this build-in mobile ability and armament sets the battle station from the space station.these battle-stations are considered by some to be the largest military spacecraft in fictionalspace navies, and while armed against attack (just not x-wings piloted by newbie jedi farmboys), the battle station do need support for their naval brethren, because the primaryrole of the massive constructions is planetary domination and power projection across a starsystem, not spacecraft engagements. while these combat space stations are mobile andeven ftl capable, the amount of power needed is enormous. all of these factors add up tobe a healthy sum of money, and some might view the cheaper, less mobile space stationas a cheaper alternative...unless they are
planning on blowing up planets. the advantageof the battle station is that it can be moved to the site of operation, and offer a greatrange of services to the taskforce and its personnel, like r&r, drydock, and larger medicalfacilities. examples of these battle stations are the fleet battle station from starshiptroopers (sst) or the zentraedi fulbtzs berrentzs battle station. another good example, thatis non-military, is the endurance from interstellar. the role of the military space station. warehouse: any military operation is goingto require logistical support, especially in the far reaches of interstellar space.much like the federation starbases, the military space station allows for our future militaryorganization to have a safe port to gather
supplies away from the frontlines. commercialvessels would use the military space station as a hub to deliver their cargo, instead ofattempting to meet the warship in unprotected space. this warehouse-in-space would alsobe a range extender for the supply chain to deep space military units. oasis: serving on board a ship, either now,in the future, or even the past, crews need a change of scenery from the drab grey bulkheadsand endless blackness. military space stations need a place where they could relax, get adrink, met new people, take advantage of rec centers, the merchants, and each other. justthink of how nice it was when you were playing mass effect to come back to the citadel, orthat speech from romilly in interstellar when
he talked about missing green.rv point: military space stations could also be seen as a common assembly point for a massivemilitary operations, as was the case with starbase 375 during operation: return fromst:ds9 or the fleet battle stations from sst. these space stations would be the centralhub for the assembled units and serve these vessels and soldiers in a secure location.strike base: to borrow a phrase from hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, space is big, reallybig, and the realistic distances between targets could be massive. much like the rv point role,the military space station could also be a strike base for rapid response units, likethe space forts from enemy mine. if you place your space fortress near an area of threat,you can rush forces there much quicker than
coming dozens or hundreds of light years toget there. this reason is more concrete when we consider the horror of light speed traveland time dilation, if there is no soft sci-fi hyper drive to save us from that consideration.much of the space stations in the forever war, these strike bases would be within "localtime" of the enemy. symbol of power and ownership: the militaryspace station is a great way of saying "that i own this and this is mine because i putthis space station here". when planted around a planet or within a star system, the militaryspace station symbolizes your government's authority and power over this area of space.this also forms an anchor for your claim and a target for your enemies.drydock/repair station: along with getting
a beer, a tattoo, some more mres, and somestrange; the military space station will be a place to repair your battered warship. asseen in star trek, orbital space installations could offer drydock repair facilities foreverything from a simple 3,000 lightyear tune-up or replacing whole sections of your starshipafter some superman from the 20th century tried to take revenge for the death of hisbeloved wife. headquarters: there are a number of worksthat project that future military organizations will make their primary hq on a military spacestation, or even a regional hq given that space is big...really big. a military spacefaringorganization could construct military space stations, like starbases, to be the regionalor sector command base for operations.
hospital: much like major urban medical centerswith more extensive services and ability than the smaller regional hospitals, the same willbe true in space. smaller military outposts or even warships will not offer the medicalfacilities that a military space station will, and this makes the military space stationa busy central hub during times of conflict with patients being shipped back to the spacestation trauma centers. this was well done in the 1997 starship troopers film and inenemy mine. the military space station as an invasionplatform. some sci-fi creators envisioned the military space station as a mobile platformfor planetary invasions or even extensive operations in a certain star system. we haveseen this with the tet from oblivion and the
fleet battle station ticonderoga from sst.unlike a space naval taskforce, which mostly likely would have the space combat equivalentof an amphibious landing assault ship, the space station would serve as a the keystonefor the invasion, offering greater services and abilities to the ground forces dirtside. consider that these invasion space stationplatforms could have first-rate medical services, on-demand manufacturing, r&r services, dockingstations, and greater space for supplies and equipment. of course, the bitch of the thingwould be transporting the space station to the objective and the expense of constructionand maintenance. the other element to consider is a hostile space station in orbit over theplanetary combat theater would be a juicy
target for the defenders. a good clean kewhit or even a smuggled nuke could destroy the station and take thousands of lives withit...not to mention the overall invasion operation. real-world military space stations. duringthe cold war, there was a real concern that space would be the ultimate battlefield. thesoviet union wanted to put up battle stations, spaceplanes, and even develop laser pistoltechnology. the first step was the soviet union "almaz" stations and they were the onlyofficial military space stations ever put up into orbit...and they were short lived.this was developed during the icy portion of the cold war and the space race. thesealmaz stations were an answer to the american mol program, and almaz was designed to belong-term, with crews rotated in and out like
a normal space station. however, this spacestation was devoted to surveillance and possible engagement of hostile spacecraft and satelliteswith an custom-designed 23mm cannon or even space-to-space rockets. added to these defensivesystem, a specially developed two kew space cannon was constructed but never deployed.during the the 1970's, several alamz stations were sent into orbit, but technical issuesand the advancement of spy satellite technology caused cancellation. only three crews successfulmanned the almaz stations, and by 1977, the alamz program was closed down. usaf mol space station (1969 cancelled). in1960, the first spy satellites was deployed corona and the poor quality of these spy photoscaused attempts by the soviets and americans
to put "astro-spy platforms" into space. whilethe soviets were somewhat successful with their military space stations, the us effortunder the cia and usaf was cancelled before the apollo landings. in the 1960's, the ciaand usaf recruited their own astronaut corps and designed their own spacecraft that couldconduct missions in space ranging from surveillance to capturing ussr spy stations. that military surveillance space stationswas called manned orbiting laboratory or mol and it was based on the gemini spacecraft.if successful, the gemini b spacecraft would have been conducting missions over 40 dayswith extended support systems. the mol platforms would have also been used in conjunction withthe astronaut propulsion unit (like the mmu)
that could have allowed military astronautsto inspect soviet spy satellites. to protect the program, the us government called theprogram mol and told the public of military astronauts conducting military tasks in micro-gravity.the real story was for the mol to be an astro-spy platform, taking photos of the soviets andthe warsaw pact. once the mission was over, the gemini capsule would detach from the labmodule, reentry while the module would burn up in the atmosphere. mol was known by thekgb and there was effort to keep tabs on the program, and they developed their own militarysurveillance platform, almaz. usaf/nasa freedom (1980's-1990's cancelled).in the 1960's, nasa began a plan to construct an reusable space plane that could truck itemsinto space and construct a space station.
by the time of the nixon administration, thespace shuttle was the only thing given funding, and the space station was put on hold. inthe 1980's, the reagan administration took a renewed interest in manned space flight,and in the 1984 state of the union speech, reagan asked for a us space station. by 1988,the dual-keel space station design was re-branded "freedom", and sold to the american public.this would finally make a reality the original role of the space shuttle. freedom would havebeen home to both nasa operations and the us air force. according to some proposals,the usaf would have several modules to work in and used the shuttle for transportation.this would not be the first time a piece of nasa hardware would be used for the us military;shuttle atlantis was often used by the us
military. when freedom was cancelled due tocost overruns, the usaf lost their foothold. much of the research was folded into the iss. usaf sdi space station (1980's cancelled).during president reagan's strategic defense initiative (sdi or star wars), there was manymad ideas floating around popular media. i can remember reading about sdi and how theus air force and nasa would be working on putting up all manner of weapon satellitesto defend us against the reds. against their better wishes, nasa was going to allow theusaf to use the shuttles to truck some elements of sdi into orbit. there was even discussionof usaf exclusive spacecrafts to serve the sdi platforms. added to this was the ideaof a military-only space station that allowed
crews access to the platforms and to havean in-space lab for military experiments and repair. this idea was thrown around, and onename i can remember was "monitor", but it was all for nothing...the usaf space stationwas axed along with all of sdi in the 1990's. from the fox mulder corner: the rumored usmilitary secret space station during the apex of the space race, there wererumors of a secret american space program. during the 1960's, the us air force, therewas indeed a military space program that was intended to operate orbital surveillance stations,like the mol of the late 1960's. while this program was cancelled, there are still rumors.one of these states that this black space program has off-world installations, spacefleets, and even their own space station.
pictures of bad quality have been taken, andshown as evidence. some believe that the robotic space shuttle, the boeing x-37 has been takenas proof of a complex military space program. others believe that the secret space stationis connected to what british hacker gary mckinnon found on secure government databases aboutoff-world soldiers and space fleets. civilians on military space stations.the majority of military space stations we've seen in sci-fi are populated with civilians.either as family, traders, independent contractors, private military, or even simple businessmen;we see civilians on those tin-cans. i was reminded of this while watching episodes ofb5 and ds9, and i could not help but think of clerks. civilians, human or alien, alwaysbring another element to the lives of military
personnel. this has been seen on the massivemilitary bases in iraq and afghanistan, where contractors perform all manner of jobs andduties. hell, i nearly was one of them in 2009, when i nearly accepted a job to go toafghanistan. of course, the risk is greater for these civilians. when these stations areattacked, the civilians are at risk, and the military has to protect them as their tin-canis being attacked. so, i guess clerks was right, the personal politics of the civiliandoes come into effect on military space installations. science fiction and the military space station.space stations have been appearing in science fiction since nearly the beginning of thegenre in the late 19th century, and have remained a popular setting for (mis)adventures eversince. while space stations are popular and
well represented in sci-fi, the military spacestation is less so, but two of the most popular science fiction televisions of the 1990'swere both set on mixed use military-ran space stations: ds9 and b5. military space stationsare used by creators to allow military units to gather, soldiers to have shore leave, andto demonstrate the power and technology of the setting. some of these military outpostsare designed specifically for the sole use of the military, but most are mixed use likewe've seen in babylon 5 and mass effect. these mixed use military space stations allowcreators an active, more dynamic setting to put their characters into, and allows otherelements to make contact with the characters. this is seen time and time again in deep space9, babylon 5, and mass effect. military space
stations are also a target. in some works,the primary objective is to knock out the military space station, which at times, isthe primary headquarters of the space military organization, like the lysian central commandin the tng episode "conundrum" or the k'titrak mang from wing commander ii. at other times,military space stations can be the "dead-end" to some military personnel's careers, or thefrontier outpost or even entry "port authority" stations run by in-system "coast guard" units.it is often that these frontier outposts are the first contact with hostile alien civilizationsas seen in the halo universe. examples. fleet battlestation ticonderoga from the starshiptroopers film
while nearly every element of the 1997 sstmission has been picked apart and analyzed, the massive battle-stations, like the ticonderoga,have not been, and they a damned interesting element within the sst film universe. thefleet battle station is an ftl capable mobile space station specially designed to be a harbor,rv point, and support hub for fleet and mi operations. given the situation in the filmit is likely that the fleet battle stations were an outgrowth of the bug wars, and constructedspecially for service along the arachnid quarantine zone. as evidenced in the film, the battlestations seem to allow for rapid incursions into arachnid space and are an assembly pointfor fleet and mi personnel. it is also a place for getting a drink, a tattoo, and gettingin a fight. after the disastrous battle of
klendathu, the ticonderoga became a mass-causalitycenter. while being featured in one of the most powerful and moving scenes in the film,the ticonderoga is barely talked about in the film itself and on sst websites.federation starbases from the star trek universe. the term "star base" has been around sincethe 1944 short story "star base x" by r.m. williams, but it was star trek that propelledthe term into the collective knowledge of the public. in the st universe, the starbaseis an off-world installation operated by starfleet that are designed for a number of purposesand roles. by the 24th century, starfleet had over 700 starbases of various sizes, capabilities,and operational environments. there has been some confusion with the regards to the numberof starbases. over 700 is a massive number,
and a massive jump from the less than twodozen seen in tos. i am not 100% sure that these federation off-world installation arenumbered in sequence. the numbering system could be like interstellar zip codes or areacodes. then we have the starbases that carry specific names, like sierra, montgomery, orearhart. why the difference? no one is quite sure. while it is certainly a mistake by thescriptwriters, why did producers let it slide? is there a reason? i like that it could bethat the federation names a select few starbases for individuals.some starbases are massive orbital installations designed to support starships and interstellartravel and trade, like starbase one in orbit around terra (aka spacedock) and starbase74. others are mere planetary surface bases
with a few buildings and landing platforms,or are massive urban structures with state-of-the-art facilities, like starbase 515. much like size,these starbases vary in services and mission. some are designed to beef up federation presenton colonies or on member worlds. others are to be a frontier outpost, delivering servicesto the wilderness. however, most starbases are not designed solely for military purposes,but can be during times of crisis. starbases are not the only space stations operated bystarfleet. there is the little matter of the deep spacestations and what the hell they are. in st lore, there are several deep space stations,and the gods-of-trek have not informed us why some federation space stations are named"deep space x" instead of "starbase xyz."
my theory is that the key difference in deepspace stations and the normal starbases is location, role, and geography. deep spacestations are located well away from federation territory, like bajor, and are designed tobe a frontier outpost with all manner of support facilities, along with being an establishingfactor for commerce, and they seem to be space stations (unlike starbases). it could be thatthe deep space designation is retired after the borders and boundaries of the federationcatch up to the ds station, and they become then a numbered starbase. terok nor from st:ds9.during the cardassian occupation of bajor, the terok nor space station in orbit aroundthe planet was the center of the cardassian
occupation and a symbol of the rape of bajorand her people. terok nor was a major ore processing station that took the mineral ofbajor and processed them of off-world transport by the cardassian union. the history of thestation altered in 2369, when the occupation of bajor was ended by the cardassians, andthe provisional government of bajor asked the federation for help in reconstruction.terok nor was an asset that the bajor government wanted to hang onto, but needed federationhelp in restoring and running. that lead to terok nor translation from mining stationto starfleet frontier outpost deep space 9. much like the babylon 5 station, deep spacenine was at the center of many of the events in galaxy during the 2370's. deep space nineitself was a battleground many times during
the klingon-federation war and the dominionwars. there is little information about the station after the war, and some sources claimthat the station was moved back into orbit over bajor. while babylon 5 was more successfulat incorporating the space station into the overall story of the universe at first, ds9would come into its own around the time the dominion showed up. terok nor would go onto become one of the iconic space stations of science fiction. the babylon 5 station from babylon 5.one of the most iconic and well known sci-fi space stations was the babylon station from1990's television series babylon 5. constructed in neutral territory after the bloody minbari-earthwar, the five-mile long o'neil cylinder space
station was developed to be a place of peacefulexchange, trade, and diplomacy, not war. despite its mission of peace, the b5 station was runby earthforce and protected by three squadron of star fury space fighters. out of the quarter-of-a-millionpopulation, 2,000 were earthforce personnel. throughout the series, the babylon stationwas at the center of most of the major events of history during the 2250's and 2260's, andthe mission of the station switched from peace to victory during the crisis in the earthalliance, the shadow war, and the narn-centauri war. unlike ds9, the babylon station was somassive that the lower special effects budget could not allow for the true grandeur of thestation to be seen. some effects shots were done showing the cylinder-shaped world ofb5, but mostly we saw coordinators, matte
paintings, and the zocalo. babylon 5 is oftensaid to be the way to center a fictional world and work around a space station. the unsc orbital defense platforms from halo2 and halo: reach towards the end of the human-covenant war,the unsc constructed the orbital defense platforms that were completely developed around theirmassive magnetic accelerator cannons (mac). these mac stations were intended to knockout alien capital ships with a one-punch killer blow. according to background material, themac cannon can fire an 3,000 pound ke tungsten round at 4% of light speed. this force caneasily punch through the shielding of two to three covenant warships. while little morethan space artillery stations, the mac platforms
did have crew habitats and the living spaceswere seen in some in depth during the first part of halo 2. during the battle of reachand the battle of earth in 2552, mac platforms were front-and-center during the battle inspace. gateway station from aliens.when ripley is recovered from her shuttlecraft, she brought to the massive gateway stationin orbit around terra. for the first act of the film, gateway is the main stage for ripleylearning about her present, her past, and her dim future. gateway stations seems tobe a massive modular installation that hosts american military elements, mercy hospital,along with icc, and the colonial admin. in the script, gateway station was called "sprawlingcomplex of modular habitats", and was originally
called "earth station beta" in the 1983 scriptby cameron, and was to serve as a reminder to ripley and the audience of how long ripleyhad be floating out in the cold void of space. gateway station was designed by robert skotak,and it was part model and part matte painting with recycled ships from gerry anderson'sterrahawks. gateway station was seen again in the dark horse's 1990 aliens comic series.the station served as an refugee center for people able to get off of earth during theglobal xenomorph infestation. this is where ripley, newt, and hicks are reunited, andthey plan the mission to the xenomorph homeworld to aliennap the queen mother alien. the imperial death star battle station fromstar wars.
there are no military space stations on thislist that are as well known or powerful than the star wars death stars. in the first iconicfilm, we see a mobile battle station that can and does destroy entire planets with onezap from it mega-laser and is the very symbol of the empire. this megastructure is the sizeof a moon, staffed with over one million imperial military personnel, and requires more powerthan entire settled planets. the death star was intended to be the symbol of the powerand strength of the empire, bullying worlds into remaining loyal to the sith-led empire.however, the death star is completely bat-shit insane. consider the amount of money it tookto construct, staff, and operate this military space stations... no wonder there was an rebelalliance. it wasn't the tyrannic rule of the
imperial, it was the bloody taxes to pay forthe thing that got people pissed off! then there is it size. with it being 160 kilometersin size, means its surface area would be 14 million square miles, those elevators mustbe faster than an attack fighter, and the power source would have to be a sun... makingthe death star an dyson sphere! of course, to blow up a planet, you would need an sunto power the death-beam. beside the extreme cost and greedy power demands,there is the military purpose to the death star. originally, the death star battle stationwas developed to be the symbol of the sith and their rule over the galaxy through fearof being zapped like alderaan. again, this makes no sense. blowing up planets is an extremedecision, and the effect would be crushing
on the star system and the economics of thegalaxy. so, if the blowing up your planet is the last resort...why else would have thisthing? the massive super star destroyer class is basically a mobile battle station withmassive amount of capability and firepower with the cost of the death star? lysian central command from the st:tng episode"conundrum". one of the most "alien" looking military spacestations comes to us from the rather good tng episode "conundrum". when the crew ofthe d gets their memories suppressed, a hostile satarran shapeshifter poses a starfleet officer,and steers the d into his people's mortal enemy: the lysians. both the satarrans andthe lysians were similar in technological
level, and the war was dragging on...so, thesatarrans cook up this plan to have the enterprise crew believe that they were at war with thelysians, and that the enterprise mission was to destroy the headquarters of the lysianalliance: an massive military space station. however, the federation were vastly superior,and a single photon torpedo could finish off their space-based orbital command center,killing 15,000 lysian military personnel. lucky, the crew stops mcduff, and the centralcommand remains undamaged. while some arresting visuals, the lysian central command is a interestingexample of an alien military space station. the "fort" space stations for the hornorverse.military space stations are key element and set piece for the honor harrington novels.these stations, or "forts", where placed in
key strategic points, like an important planet,star systems, or even wormhole burn-out sites. this was seen with the heavy space fort presencearound the manticore wormhole junction. while forts were fitted with defensive and offensivesystems, they were beefed up with laser platforms that added to the defensive profile of thestation. often forts are on the frontlines of any space battle, given their placementnear wormhole sites. taking the space fort is often one of the primary goals of any attackforce. this is one of those series that enjoys using military space stations in all situations. the bta military space fortress from enemymine. in the year 2092, the human is united underthe bta in the conquest of space, but the
best interstellar real estate is already claimedby an alien race, the drac. this starts a war that is waged in deep space, far awayfrom terra and dracon. the bta constructs ringed military space fortresses that arethe forward operating base of this war. both human and drac deploy space fighters, andour film opens with the drac launching a strike on the unnamed bta space fortress. we knowvery little about the setting of the film before the laser bolts start flying.this example of an military space station is interesting, because the bta uses theseringed stations like a spacecraft carrier, along with being a typical space station...however, i also have another theory about these space fortresses. during a rewatch ofenemy mine for this blogpost, i think we maybe
seeing the end of the war, rather than thebeginning. i think these ringed space stations were positioned on the border between thesystem the bta had wrestled away from the drac, and were meant to keep our liberatedworlds. the drac fighter strike at the beginning of the 1985 film is an attempt to dislodgethe bta hold on some contested solar system. another theory is that these bta space fortswere mobile, and the four cones along the axis were, in fact, rocket boosters. i amnot sure and there is so little to go on here, but they are an intriguing space station. the citadel from the mass effect universe.one of the most celebrated, iconic, and lovingly designed space stations in all of sciencefiction is the citadel from the mass effect
universe. it is a marvel to behold, and adesignation that i always look forward to seeing and experiencing. while the citadelis not a strictly military space station, it is the center of the galaxy political structureand there is a heavy military presence from every member and non-member state of the citadelcouncil. some of the key battles of the mass effect series have been wage around the citadelstation or even over it. during the reaper invasion, the citadel was bastion of shelterfrom the storm. the forerunner installations from the halouniverse. there are few space stations in science fictionthat are as monstrous as the halo mega-structure rings or as powerful. designed to be boththe destroyer and savior, the halo rings were
the last, best hope for victory against theflood 100,000 years ago. in the first halo game, we all learned the horrifying truth...thatthe halo rings were to destroy all higher ordered life to starve out the flood. eachinstallation had an effective range of 25,000 light years, causing there to be 12 scatteredaround the galaxy. when the parasite was dead, the halo rings were to seeded life on severalworlds where it was beginning to prosper. these races became us and the alien racesof the covenant. much more than a weapon, the halo rings were a research lab to studythe flood, and holding center for the seeds of new life. phoenix station of the cdf from the old man'swar universe.
the colonial defense force and the colonialunion are both based around the primary human colony of phoenix. the heart of the cdf isthe in-orbit military installation, phoenix station. several of the old man's war pivotalscenes in the series take place onboard the massive station, and the station continuesto be a center point of the old man's war universe. in the original book, it is describedas a massive station with hundreds of ships surrounding it, and some of the characterstalk about the station being the center of the human universe. here is were newly mintedcdf soldiers are brought to, and where the fate of the colonial union is decided as well.the station is well known for having a great burger place as well as state-of-the-art researchfacilities.
the zentraedi fulbtzs berrentzs battle stationfrom the robotech universe. the very heart of zentraedi is an militaryspace battle station that is an mass of organic technology wrapped in an mountain shape. this900 mile battle station is foldable and is the headquarters of the zentraedi people,along with the home of supreme command dolza. armed to the teeth with thousands of missilelaunchers and de cannons, it is also home to hundred of thousands of troops and mechs.more than just an mobile headquarters, the fulbtzs berrentzs is also the primary cloningfacility and does have the ability to create warships via cellular mitosis construction.during the final battle with the earth forces and the rebel zentraedi, dolza ordered allof the zentraedi 4+ million warships to terran
space to whipe the planet clean of life. atthe center of the storm of alien warships was the command base of the zentraedi people.during the final battle of the 1st robotech war, the sdf-1 gained access via the daedalusprotocol, and unleashed reflex warhead missiles inside the command base primary spacedock.the command base ripped itself apart, and the resulting explosion created collateraldamage to the surrounding warships. without the command hq, the rest of the loyal zentraediwere in chaos, allowing the battle to be won, but at a horrible price. battle school station from ender's game.battle school, the space-based military academy, that trains the next-generation of militarycommanders. to encourage the next generation,
battle school features a massive micro-gravityarena that allows the teams (armies) of battle school to engage in force-on-force training.these games are one of the key social outlets of the academy and some of the best scenesin the book/movie. in the 2013 film adaptation, battle school was moved from the asteroidbelt to earth orbit, but the harshness of the battle school society and training isthe same. since the release of ender's game, battle school has become of the most wellknown examples of an military space station. the space fortresses from legends of the galacticheroes. in the japanese military sci-fi book seriesthat was adapted into anime, the legends of the galactic heroes has their own type ofmilitary space stations: the space fortress.
some of the space fortresses are traditionspace station designs, like garmisch, while others are more unique and giants in mass.some of the imperial space forts are massive, like 40 trillion tons for geiersburg fortresswhich can hold up to 16,000 warships! to protect these larger space fortresses, they are equippedwith massive out-power lasers and surrounded in liquid metal shielding. much like manyof the military space stations, these space fortresses are targeted during operations,and considered to be prizes for the enemy force. the liquid metal shielding is uniqueand gets these space station an original look. the ragnar anchorage ammunition reserve stationfrom battlestar galactica during the cylon wars, the colonial fleetconstructed a number of space-based warehouses
for critical military supplies. ragnar anchorageammunition reserve was one, and it played an important part for the exodus of the galacticaand the civilian fleet. this ringed stations was constructed in the upper atmosphere ofthe gas giant ragnar on the edge of the cyrannus quad-star mega-system;s gamma/delta stars.with the galactica being retrofitted into a museum, the weapon stores were emptied,and to protect the fleet, the ragnar station became the logical site for the last stopbefore jumping past the red line. given that galactica was an older, original battlestar,the out-dated ammunition stored at ragnar was prefect for the bsg-075. the robotech masters' factory satellite fromthe robotech universe.
the robotech factory satellite is in someways the football of the robotech universe. this massive mostly automated military spacefactory installation was originally organically constructed around an asteroid by the robotechmasters around the year 1760 ad. in 1807 ad, the factory satellite was given to their warriorslaves, the zentraedi. for a great deal of time, the factory satellite assembled a varietyof mecha, fighters, and warships for the zentraedi and their wars. after the destruction of themajority of the zentraedi armada during the final battle over earth, the factory satellitebecame one of the few remaining zentraedi military bases still under zentraedi controland operation. that changed in 2013 ad, when a small forceof allied zentraedi and terran fighters attacked
and secured the factory satellite, foldingit back to terran space. in orbit of terra, the factory satellite became the primary militaryconstruction site and the shipyard that gave birth to the sdf-2 and sdf-3. the majorityof the ref pioneer mission mecha, ships, and fighters were assembled at the orbital factory.after the chaos of the robotech masters' invasion and the invid, the fate of the factory satelliteis unknown. some believe that it was folded away to a secure location, others believethat pirates took the station during the chaos. others say that the factory satellite wasfolded to the location of the ref and it became the construction yards for the ref fleet thatretook earth during the 3rd robotech war. the odin and loki military space stationsfrom cod: ghosts.
in the so-so 2013 cod: ghosts, we see an twomilitary space stations being at the center of the events of the game. in 2017, priorto the game's events, the usaf constructed an orbital weapons platform called odin whichwas modeled after the real-life thor kinetic bombardment station. unlike the thor, odinand loki were constructed around a military space station, allowing crews a place to workand maintain the platforms. odin was hijacked by the south american federation just as thestation was coming on-line, the federation was successful in launching the kinetic "rods-from-god"down on the united states. in one day, the us went from superpower to 3rd world nation.in 2027, the federation constructed their own odin, called loki, which was another kineticbombardment station. not learning their lesson,
the us deployed space soldiers to take lokiand use it to destroy the chile federation base and the federation navy. while sort ofstupid, it was cool to finally play a space combat level in cod, even if it reminded meof moonraker.
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